Prerequisites and Installation

These instructions are for a stand-alone install from github to run locally.


The following requirements must be met before installing and using pan-tort.

Autofocus API Key

Ensure you have an active Autofocus subscription and API key.

Get your Autofocus API key

This key will be used below after pan-tort is installed.

Python, virtual environment, and pip

The code in pan-tort requires python 3.6 or later. The examples will use python 3.6.

The examples also show python running in a virtual environment with pip used to install required packages.

Python 3.6 virtual environment documentation

In most cases pip is already installed if using python 3.6 or later.

Checking the pip version:

$ pip --version
pip 18.0 from /Users/localuser/pan-tort/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip (python 3.6)

pip information and installating instructions

Once these requirements are met you are ready to install pan-tort.


The initial steps are an overview to clone the repo and activate a python virtual environment.

$ git clone
$ cd pan-tort
$ python3.6 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The virtual environment name is env and if active will likely be shown to the left of the command prompt. If successful, the pan-tort utility is installed and almost ready to use.

Autofocus API key

Once you have the api key, it will be used to create the key file in the hash directory. Any text editor can be used to create this file.

api_key = '{your api key  goes here}'

Save the file as hash/

The hash_list.txt file

This is the list of hashes used for the pan-tort query. There is no limit to the file size. Pan-tort will segment the list automatically if more than 1,000 hashes are to be searched.

The hash file is a simple text file with one hash per line. A sample hash file to edit is in the hash directory. These are md5 hashes.


The file has default values for variables used in pan-tort. One value that may need to be edited is the hashtype variable. Make sure this value matches the hash type of the samples in the hash list.

hashtype = 'md5'

Get the latest Autofocus malware tag data

The output data as context specific to malware family tags. To get the latest list required for pan tort, run the file in the hash directory.

$ python

This will take less than a minute and the output will be tagdata.json in the hash directory.

Run this utility periodically to ensure pan-tort has the latest tag data.